
The following principles shall be adhered to in determining the type of information distributed to the MCSW membership:

Educational/Community Event Announcements

Educational/Community Event Announcements will be considered for distribution to the MCSW membership via email bulletins/electronic newsletters as per the MCSW Advertising Fee schedule in accordance with the following criteria:

  • Events must be congruent with MCSW’s mandate, vision, mission and values
  • Must be delivered by a reputable source and determined to be of benefit to the MCSW membership
  • High degree of involvement from Social Workers registered with the College in event/curriculum planning and presentation
  • Content is related to social work theory, methods and/or practice (syllabus or general outline of course may be required)
  • Educational events identify educational goals and specific, measurable learning objectives
  • Educational events outline clear and effective evaluation procedures
  • Educational and community events must ensure website security for registration, payment, and online courses/presentations

*website advertising not applicable to educational/community event announcements


Information regarding research will be considered for distribution to the MCSW membership via email bulletins/electronic newsletters in accordance with the following criteria:

  • Researcher(s) must be registered with MCSW and/or a recognized social work regulatory body in Canada where they are eligible for registration
  • Research must have confirmed Ethics approval and be monitored by an accredited or MCSW-approved social work program
  • Research activities must be congruent with MCSW’s mandate, vision, mission and values
  • Research must be determined to be of benefit to social workers

*website advertising not applicable to research announcements

Employment Opportunities

Job advertisements will be considered for distribution to the MCSW membership via email bulletins/electronic newsletter/MCSW website as per the MCSW Fee schedule in accordance with the following criteria:

  • Employment Opportunities must be from reputable employers approved by the MCSW
  • Job postings advertised by the MCSW are limited to positions that require registration with the Manitoba College of Social Workers


  • Author(s) must be registered with MCSW and/or a recognized social work regulatory body in Canada where they are eligible for registration
  • Publication must be determined to be of benefit to the MCSW membership
  • Content is related to social work theory, methods and/or practice


  1. Information regarding MCSW events and activities will be sent to members by group email bulletins by the Administrative Coordinator, under the direction of the Executive Director/Registrar.
  2. Requests from individuals, groups or organizations to distribute information or notices that are not MCSW related will be reviewed and approved/denied by the Executive Director/Registrar.
  3. When requests are not determined to be congruent with the organization’s mandate, the Executive Director/Registrar may deny the request to distribute information.
  4. Approved advertising for events that are not MCSW related will be distributed to members electronically through email bulletin once payment has been received. Email bulletins are typically distributed once a month at a time determined by the College.
  5. Individual advertisements will only be sent in exceptional circumstances to be determined by the Executive Director/Registrar.
  6. MSCW members may be removed from the email bulletin circulation list by request at any time.

Advertising Fee Schedule

$0.00 – Free Community Events and Research
$350 – Workshops, Seminars, Conferences, Education Programs, Publications
$350 – Employment Opportunities

Advertising fees are subject to change.  Fees may be reduced/waived at the discretion of the registrar.