About Registration:

I’m retiring this year. Is there a retirement category with a reduced fee?
The College does not have a “retirement” category, however you may consider transferring to the Non-Practicing category of registration if you no longer plan to practice or represent yourself as a Social Worker. The annual fee in this category is $180.

I’m not working full-time. Can you decrease or defer the fees?
No. The cost of regulating a member of the College is not based on hours worked. If you are leaving the practice of Social Work, you may consider transferring to the Non-Practicing category.

I’m going on parental leave. Is there a reduced fee?
Yes, you may transfer to the Non-Practicing category and the fee is $180 per year. Please contact the College for information on transferring to the Non-Practicing category.

I’m moving to another country. Can I maintain my registration?
Yes, you can; however, you may consider transferring to the Non-Practicing category of registration with its lower annual fee.

Do you offer professional liability insurance to members?
Under The Social Work Profession Act, all Social Workers who hold a Certificate of Practice must have professional liability insurance. In some cases, employers will already have professional liability insurance for their employees. If your employer does not provide professional liability insurance for its Social Workers, you can purchase it through the College’s affiliation with a national program offered by CASW. However, College members may access insurance from any insurance provider of their choice.

My registration was cancelled because I did not renew by April 1st. What is the process to become registered again?
Annual registration fees are due each year before March 1st. A fee of $75 will be applied in the event of late payment of fees until March 31. If fees are not paid by March 31, registration is cancelled effective April 1st. A reinstatement fee of $150 will apply to reinstated registrations between April 1 to June 30.  On July 1st, should one wish to be registered with the College they will be required to re-apply for registration.

What if I don’t need to be registered any longer?
Certificates of Registration are the property of the Manitoba College of Social Workers and should be returned if the Social Worker is no longer registered. Individuals who are not registered with the College cannot represent themselves as Social Workers.

What if I resign but want to become a member again in future?
Should you wish to return to practice as a Social Worker, you will be required to re-apply, and meet the requirements for registration at that time. If you have been registered on the basis of the “grandparenting” provision of The Social Work Profession Act, remember that Section 11 will no longer be applicable after March 31, 2018.

About Complaints:

A client has complained about my practice. What do I do?
If you, as a Social Worker registered with the College, are the subject of a complaint, the Manitoba College of Social Workers recommends that you cooperate fully with the investigation process. Please provide all of the information requested in a timely fashion. There will be a deadline, from the time you are notified in writing of the complaint, for your initial response to be received by the College. Time extensions can be provided in exceptional circumstances. Failure to respond to the complaint in writing within the time required is, in and of itself, an act of unprofessional conduct.

Duty to Report

I am concerned about a Social Work colleague’s practice. What should I do?
The Social Work Profession Act requires Social Workers to report any concerns about unethical or incompetent conduct by another Social Worker to the Manitoba College of Social Workers.  Section 73 (1) of the Act also states: A member who believes that another member is suffering from a physical or mental condition or disorder of a nature or to an extent that

  • the member is unfit to continue to practice; or
  • (b) the member’s practice should be restricted;

must inform the registrar of that belief and the reasons for it.

Section 73(2) of the Act states: A member who discloses information under subsection (1) is not subject to any liability as a result, unless it is established that the disclosure was made maliciously.